Frequently Asked Questions
• What is Pelvic Physical Therapy (or Women's Health Therapy)?
** NEW** Blog post by Tracy Sher at Pelvic Guru: What IS Pelvic Physical Therapy and Why Doesn't Everyone Know About It?
• What types of conditions do you treat? (highlights)
o pelvic pain
o bladder pain/interstitial cystitis
o vulvodynia and vulvar pain
o painful sex
o vaginismus with gynecologic exam or penetration
o post- gynecologic, urology, or abdominal surgery
o post-gynecologic, colorectal, and prostate cancer treatment
o infertility issues
o pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment pre and post-surgical management
o pelvic organ prolapse - uterus, bladder, fecal incontinence
o urinary and bowel urge, frequency, or incomplete emptying
o pregnancy/postpartum conditions - back pain, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, diastasis recti, tears or episiotomy
o scar tissue
o pelvic or tailbone fractures/pain , osteitis pubis, pubic symphysis separation
o sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain
o endometriosis
o scar tissue- abdominal, vaginal, anal
o low back pain
o pain or sexual dysfunction after sexual abuse, rape, trauma.
"I am dedicated to providing each patient with a customized experience. I look at each patient encounter as an opportunity to make a positive, long-lasting effect on decreasing pain (if applicable), improving daily function and movement, and exceeding goals set. Each case is a puzzle or a mystery and I relish an opportunity to put all of the pieces together. So many patients go for YEARS to a variety of healthcare professionals, but never get the care and attention they need and deserve. It is time to take personal health issues seriously and really make a DIFFERENCE. " ~ Tracy Sher
* Highest quality of care by a leader in the field who integrates the latest pelvic floor, orthopedic, and pain neuroscience research related to a cross-section of medical fields for women and men.
* Thorough evaluation of 1.5 hours that may include treatment.
* Development of a personalized treatment plan and goals set.
* Team approach with patient collaboration and therapist facilitation for optimal results. One patient stated, "I actually feel like my opinions matter and the treatments are adjusted based on my status and input."
* Emphasis placed on a whole-person approach, not just a body part.
* Case management of care, that may involve adding other healthcare professionals or services to ensure complete care. This can be arranged long-distance as well.
* Specialized programs and treatment for pelvic pain, pregnancy and postpartum, and much more (stay tuned for program and group information)
Tracy Sher teaches courses nationally and internationally to physicians, physical therapists, nurses, and more. Learn more here.
• Do I have to have a prescription from my physician?
Florida is a Direct Access State, which means you can come in for your evaluation and treatment without a referral. We will need a physician signature or prescription on file if treatment is continued past 21 days from the first visit. We can help you with this.
• Do you accept insurance? How much are your fees? Can I get reimbursed for these services from my insurance company?
I provide physical therapy on a “fee at time of service” basis. By removing my services from a preferred provider/contracted status with the insurance companies, I can guarantee a better level of customized care than you will receive in a traditional insurance-based practice or hospital system. How? I do not have to limit the time or quality of treatment I provide because of insurance company restrictions or elevate my rates to pay for billing services.
Prior to your first scheduled appointment, call your insurance company to completely understand your physical therapy out-of-network benefits. Please contact us to find out the fees for your individualized, one-on-one treatment sessions. Click Here for more information.
At the time of service and payment, you will receive a written statement that you can submit to your insurance company for their consideration of reimbursement to you. The amount of reimbursement you receive will vary according to the terms of your insurance policy. Reimbursement rates can vary but can be as high as 80%, while some plans require you meet a deductible first. I cannot make guarantees or estimates regarding what reimbursement your plan allows. * If you have Medicare, special rules apply and Sher Pelvic Health does not participate in the plan for physical therapy.
I accept cash, check or Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express at the time of service. You can even set up a virtual wallet with Square Register and pay with your phone or iPad by visiting "Sher Pelvic Health and Healing".
My fees are based on time spent with you and the treatments performed during your appointment. You will definitely notice the quality and personal attention! We can also customize treatments - more complex/time treatments, weekly rates for out-of-town guests, phone consultations, group workshops/education and more.
• Is there a map, locating the clinic? See the map on the bottom of this page! 235 S. Maitland, Ave., Suite 214, Maitland, FL 32751
• Still have questions?- Fill out the form located on the welcome page and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!
(These are general answers to questions- it's always best to check with your insurance provider or state laws for specific information)
*** Out of town guests - if you would like would like hotel suggestions, please scroll down to the hotel pictures. You can click on each picture for a link to the hotel. This is not an exhaustive list.
** NEW** Blog post by Tracy Sher at Pelvic Guru: What IS Pelvic Physical Therapy and Why Doesn't Everyone Know About It?
- Elle Magazine explains treatment for pelvic pain: Let WHO Put WHAT WHERE? Finding a cure for pelvic pain
- Explanation of pelvic physical therapy treatment and specialty: You Do WHAT?
- Misconceptions of Pelvic Physical Therapy
- Beyond Kegels: When Do Gynecologic Problems Call for Physical Therapy?
- Even Oprah's talking about it: Physical Therapy for Your Lady Parts.
• What types of conditions do you treat? (highlights)
o pelvic pain
o bladder pain/interstitial cystitis
o vulvodynia and vulvar pain
o painful sex
o vaginismus with gynecologic exam or penetration
o post- gynecologic, urology, or abdominal surgery
o post-gynecologic, colorectal, and prostate cancer treatment
o infertility issues
o pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment pre and post-surgical management
o pelvic organ prolapse - uterus, bladder, fecal incontinence
o urinary and bowel urge, frequency, or incomplete emptying
o pregnancy/postpartum conditions - back pain, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, diastasis recti, tears or episiotomy
o scar tissue
o pelvic or tailbone fractures/pain , osteitis pubis, pubic symphysis separation
o sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain
o endometriosis
o scar tissue- abdominal, vaginal, anal
o low back pain
o pain or sexual dysfunction after sexual abuse, rape, trauma.
- Why is Sher Pelvic Health unique?
"I am dedicated to providing each patient with a customized experience. I look at each patient encounter as an opportunity to make a positive, long-lasting effect on decreasing pain (if applicable), improving daily function and movement, and exceeding goals set. Each case is a puzzle or a mystery and I relish an opportunity to put all of the pieces together. So many patients go for YEARS to a variety of healthcare professionals, but never get the care and attention they need and deserve. It is time to take personal health issues seriously and really make a DIFFERENCE. " ~ Tracy Sher
- What can I expect?
* Highest quality of care by a leader in the field who integrates the latest pelvic floor, orthopedic, and pain neuroscience research related to a cross-section of medical fields for women and men.
* Thorough evaluation of 1.5 hours that may include treatment.
* Development of a personalized treatment plan and goals set.
* Team approach with patient collaboration and therapist facilitation for optimal results. One patient stated, "I actually feel like my opinions matter and the treatments are adjusted based on my status and input."
* Emphasis placed on a whole-person approach, not just a body part.
* Case management of care, that may involve adding other healthcare professionals or services to ensure complete care. This can be arranged long-distance as well.
* Specialized programs and treatment for pelvic pain, pregnancy and postpartum, and much more (stay tuned for program and group information)
Tracy Sher teaches courses nationally and internationally to physicians, physical therapists, nurses, and more. Learn more here.
• Do I have to have a prescription from my physician?
Florida is a Direct Access State, which means you can come in for your evaluation and treatment without a referral. We will need a physician signature or prescription on file if treatment is continued past 21 days from the first visit. We can help you with this.
• Do you accept insurance? How much are your fees? Can I get reimbursed for these services from my insurance company?
I provide physical therapy on a “fee at time of service” basis. By removing my services from a preferred provider/contracted status with the insurance companies, I can guarantee a better level of customized care than you will receive in a traditional insurance-based practice or hospital system. How? I do not have to limit the time or quality of treatment I provide because of insurance company restrictions or elevate my rates to pay for billing services.
Prior to your first scheduled appointment, call your insurance company to completely understand your physical therapy out-of-network benefits. Please contact us to find out the fees for your individualized, one-on-one treatment sessions. Click Here for more information.
At the time of service and payment, you will receive a written statement that you can submit to your insurance company for their consideration of reimbursement to you. The amount of reimbursement you receive will vary according to the terms of your insurance policy. Reimbursement rates can vary but can be as high as 80%, while some plans require you meet a deductible first. I cannot make guarantees or estimates regarding what reimbursement your plan allows. * If you have Medicare, special rules apply and Sher Pelvic Health does not participate in the plan for physical therapy.
I accept cash, check or Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express at the time of service. You can even set up a virtual wallet with Square Register and pay with your phone or iPad by visiting "Sher Pelvic Health and Healing".
My fees are based on time spent with you and the treatments performed during your appointment. You will definitely notice the quality and personal attention! We can also customize treatments - more complex/time treatments, weekly rates for out-of-town guests, phone consultations, group workshops/education and more.
- Do you coordinate care with other health care professionals? Yes! My goal is to provide comprehensive care and foster a team approach when helping you. I regularly see patients from out of town or even from out of the country. Also, please don't let finances stand in the way of getting exceptional care. We'll figure out a way to make sure that you are connected to a great team of appropriate health professionals. You can see me for periodic consultations or for regular care. I look forward to being a part of your team.
- Can I schedule online and make changes to my schedule online? This feature is available. We are currently making changes to the schedule, so in the meantime, please call the office directly.
- What should I wear on the first visit? The type of attire is not important on the first day. Wear whatever clothing is comfortable for you - from business attire to gym workout clothes.
- What if I am menstruating? Ideally, it's best to have the evaluation and treatments when you are not menstruating. If you are concerned about this, you can certainly call to reschedule. However, there are still options available if this is the case. If you are unsure, don't hesitate to call or email with that question regarding your specific situation.
• Is there a map, locating the clinic? See the map on the bottom of this page! 235 S. Maitland, Ave., Suite 214, Maitland, FL 32751
• Still have questions?- Fill out the form located on the welcome page and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!
(These are general answers to questions- it's always best to check with your insurance provider or state laws for specific information)
*** Out of town guests - if you would like would like hotel suggestions, please scroll down to the hotel pictures. You can click on each picture for a link to the hotel. This is not an exhaustive list.